Tracking Quiz website

Tracking Quizzes

Quiz #52 - Question

by Brian Booth

This quiz comes to you from the remote mountain terrain of Nepal. You need to know a little bit about Nepal to guess the answer, but you don’t need to be a “Nepal expert”.
Photo 52A
Habitat: A small settlement at 11,000 feet elevation. The settlement is in a clearing called a “kharka”, which means meadow or pasture.

Time of year: October.
Photo 52B

Photo 52B shows the uneven terrain in the kharka. A stream ran through the center, and the ground alongside the stream had become marshy in the monsoons of summer.
Photo 52C

The soil later dried into a soft mud, became filled with tracks, and later froze.
Photo 52D

Photos 52D / 52E / 52F / 52G are zoomed in to show the tracks. The track measured 3 inches inch long by 2½-2¾ inches wide.
Photo 52E

Photo 52F
Photo 52G

What animal made the tracks?

Quiz #52 - Answer

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