- The mystery animal is DOMESTIC GOAT.
- The clues available included the following:
- The tracks were from a hoofed animal.
- The track size of 2¼ inch long indicates
it was a pretty small hoofed animal.
- This is a regular walking gait. In a
walking gait of a 4-legged animal, the animal’s body length is,
very roughly, about double the stride, so in this case an animal
somewhere between about 20 to 25 inches long.
- The animal is close to town, and on a
road, so it’s probable that it’s a domestic animal. That tends
to suggest it’s a small goat or sheep, possibly a juvenile.
- There was a clue in Photo 44B. At the
bottom of the picture are stone walls next to the road – these
are domestic animal pens. (I intentionally tried to distract you
by telling you to look up, at the windmill – HAHAHAHA…)
- There was a clue right at the start of
the quiz, indicating this is a land where feta cheese is made.
Feta cheese comes from goats or sheep.
- There were two more clues in Photo 44I –
the plants are thorny, and you can see from the vegatation on
the mountain that the stone walls create a distinct line of
demarcation showing where animals have been allowed to graze.
One animal well-known for eating nearly anything, including
thorny plants, is goat.
If you got this quiz right, congratulations. In real life, I got it
right, but it took a lot of effort.
A delightful vacation with
my family, in an enchanted land. Tough for tracking, but if you are
observant enough, you can do tracking nearly anywhere.
the goat says see you neh-eh-eh-eh-eh-xt quiz!